1968 Pontiac Service Manual
You can browse the Service Manual by utilizing the jumpmenu below. It will direct you to the table of contents page for your selected section (or to the actual manual's main index, if you choose Section 16). You can then click the page numbers listed to be directed to a particular page.
This manual was written for tabbed browsers (i.e. anything that can be set to open up new tabs instead of new windows, such as Firefox and Opera). If you use Internet Explorer, this may be annoying, having 5 windows open at the same time.
This was done intentionally for this reason... If someone were browsing via a dial-up connection (or even a slower broadband connection), and realized that the page they opened wasn't what they were looking for, they could simply close that window (tab) and the index would still be there (instead of having to wait for the index itself to reload by pressing the 'back' button). Now, Opera users don't have so much of an issue with the 'back' button lag, as Opera's caching is second to none. However, not all browsers are created this well (even my beloved Firefox).
I chose not to change the format for the CD ISO, as it would take even more time than the project already has, and I didn't want to have to worry about maintaining and synchronizing two independent copies of the manual. I apologize for any inconvenience, but I feel it is the best overall solution.
the following pages, a JavaScript-enabled web browser
is required, along with pop-up functionality.